Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

I'm Gleek, not Geek!

Whatsupp guys? So how is your day without read my blog? Are you fine? Of course you're fine -_-

So, it has been a long time since i posted about NASIONAL.IS.ME in my blog. Don't you miss me? Of course you're not -_-

This time, i wanna post about GLEE! 

#NowPlaying : Don't Stop Believing.

Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searchin' in the night

Streetlight, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin' somewhere in the night

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight, people

Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlight, people

Don't stop!

Wherever and whenever i hear this song, my brain just remind me with the scene when Rachel, Kurt, Finn, Marcedes, Tina, and Artie were wearing red shirts and singing together on stage. That was the best scene ever.

So glee is on their 4th season right now. More songs, more dances and more players. I love glee so much, but sometimes i just bored with their too many new players. Although I hate Rachel, but she is better than the new girl in Glee Club (I'm not gonna say her name, maybe she'll get mad when read this).

I miss when Glee Club members got their slushy on their face. It was a funny scene.

I miss when Rachel used her mama's old and odd suits. Now she seems like a new NYC's bitch. Yikes.

Maybe Darwin was right. Human Revolution. Everyone gets their revolution include Glee Club member. But i miss their old moment. Glee Season 1 is totally the best season ever. No offense. 

Glee Cast - Don't Stop Believing :) 

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